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The Brief Story of Gampong Pande

"There is a grave for a dead son, but for dead culture will gone forever" Sultan Iskandar Muda 
Photo: Google Ilustration
Banda Aceh City is the capital city of Aceh Province, it has so many historical records. Banda Aceh as the centre of politics activities, Sciences, economics, militaries, socio-culturals  in the eastern parts of the world has diverse histories that are still hidden behind of the silent tombstones.

Gampong Pande that is the name of a village that become as source history of establishment of Banda Aceh City. Gampong Pande located in Kuta Raja Subdistrict of Banda Aceh City, Islamic historical sites are lined in this village. As the capital of islamic kingdom, Aceh Darussalam has enermous influence by the first islamic kingdom of Aceh like Perlak Islamic Kingdom and Samudera Pasai Islamic Kingdom.

Photo: Google Ilustration
In Gampong Pande Village there so many graves of the past Aceh kings, as evidence in this village ever reigns by Islamic Kingdom.

Photo by: photografer
Not only the graves of the kings and Laksamana located in this village but also there is location of goldsmiths that very clever and famous, their handicrafts sell up to Turkey, Malaysia, French and England. This place located in Kuta Blang is now become as the name one of aisle in this village.

In November 2013, Aceh surprised by discovery of the gold coins in large numbers in Gampong Pande by a searcher shells, This event attracted many researchers of ancient objects to solve the mistery of gold coins.
Photo by:
As the news that published by on November 20th, 2013. The researcher cultural history of Islam, Taqiyuddin Muhammad revealed that dirham gold coins printed in the era of Sultan Sulaiman bin Salim's government from Dinasty Utsmaniyyah (Ottoman) turkey in 927 H.

Archaeologists and historians have been conducted research on tombstones in the cemetery complex in Gampong Pande. Among the tombstones mentioned is the property of Sultan Firman Syah, grandchild of Sultan Johan Syah, from this discovery then revealed that Gampong Pande is the origin of Banda Aceh City, that established on Friday, Ramadhan 1st, 610 H or April 22th, 1205 M,

Photo source:
Gampong Pande that become as kingdom centre established by Sultan Johan Syah after succeed help the kingdom of Hindu/Budha Indra Purba which it capital city Bandar Lamuri conquering invasion of Chola Kingdom from India.

This is the brief history of Gampong Pande which have so many histories that is still hidden behind of the silent tombstones. []

My regards,
Twitter: @purnamadazzle

Data Sources:
Disbudpar Banda Aceh
Dr.N.A. Baloch, Advent of Islam in Indonesia. Hari Lahirnya Banda Aceh
Al Beruni, Al Qanun Al Ma'dudi
M. Yusuf Jamil, Tawarikh Raja-raja Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam
Tamim Ansary, Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia versi Islam, Jakarta, Zaman, 2010

Photo Source:
Google Ilustration Photografer


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